Today is my baby girl’s 7th birthday.
I guess this blog is becoming much like church, I only post on important days.
Well, on with the mushy mom thing. I will want to remember this day years from now and this blog is really the only detailed link to my past.
My Dearest Emily,
This year has been the roughest year yet, well, to be honest, the last two years have been pretty rough. I wish, as your mom, I could tell you that there is light at the end of the tunnel and that our luck is finally turning around and your world will be all safe and normal again. However, you already think your world IS all safe and normal. Your Daddy and I do our best to keep the crappy-ness from getting anywhere near you and we know it’s working by your smiles and laughter. In all this chaos that has become life, you are a bight light of joy.
Things I love about you:
You are my very own Lady Gaga. I love how you want to wear your big fat pink snow boots EVERYWHERE even though they don’t match a thing and are just so BIG and Snow boot-y looking! You could care less what anyone thinks, you love them and that is all that matters in your world. I wish I was more like that. And the pink boots? They are just one thing you wear that only you think looks great. I have a feeling we are only years away from a really cool ornament dress that you will be wearing to prom. And you won’t be wearing it to make a statement, nope, you will only wear it because, “It looks pretty!”
I love your use of vocabulary. You use all these big grown up words- the correct way! For example, instead of saying, “It’s quiet in here.” You say, “It’s so silent.” And you can already spell better than me. Which isn’t say too much, but still you are only 7! And you can spell and read way better than I thought a 7 year old could read and spell. I am so impressed by you daily at just how smart you really are. Now, if we could just get you to understand how to use “air quotes” correctly.
And your memory! You have the memory of a steel trap, or elephant, whichever is most correct. You remember everything to the last little detail. It is sooooo impressive!
I love your kindness. Your friend at school who doesn’t celebrate Christmas, Thanksgiving or any traditional holiday that we celebrate, in your eyes, that isn’t odd or something to make fun of someone for, she is still one of your best friends and you could care less if she celebrates Christmas or not. You realize even at your young age, those things do not define a persons friendship with you.
And this goes without saying, you are absolutely beautiful. Your freckles, your cute cheeks, your super tiny waste, your dirty blonde hair that can never stay brushed and your nose.
Everything about you is perfect and no other 7 year old can hold a candle next to you when it comes to your beauty and how smart you are. I don’t know what I did to deserve a piece of heavenly perfection that is you. You make me laugh every. single. day. You bring me joy every. single. day. And I thank you for that.
Love, Your Mommy
Happy Birthday to Emily!
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday (a day late) Emily!! Hope you had a wonderful day :)