This is a post that should be talking about my babies first day back to school with pictures and everything mushy that mom’s say about their kids during these milestone moments. And I want to tell you about how bittersweet it was because this was the first year ever that I was able to take my kids to school but yet, my mom was always the one with them on the first day of school. I’ve always worked and sadly, this was the first and will be the last time I get to take my oldest to school as she is in the 5th grade now and next year, middle school. No parents on first day allowed at middle school! Totally uncool!!
It should be a post about how one of the people I like love most in this world had a birthday and as most BFF’s do, I should be writing a mushy post about her and how much better the world is because she is in it.
I want to write about today and how I registered for classes and am 100% officially a college student and at the end of this process, I will have collected two degrees because I am that awesome.
I so badly want to bitch about this fucking weather and how hot it is! Is it hot in your area as well? I can’t stand it here! And the news keeps saying, “No break in this heat.” And even had the nerve to say that, “It’s gonna be a warm fall as well.” I wanted to punch my TV. And I really want to punch the weather lady. Badly. But I know that won’t fix this ungodly hot weather. I just want to do something to say, “Well, I tried.”
I want to get all mushy again and tell you how badly I want my mom here and how she would make me feel a thousand times better and reassure me that the Hubby will find another job soon and worse case, “We will just move in with her!” That was always her answer.
And naturally I want to brag that an interview that I gave made the front page of my local paper!
But I can’t tell you about all that right now, maybe later this year I will get to everything I wanted to tell you about this week.
For right now though, I just want to work until I can’t work anymore to get 700 jobs posted for 700 people before the doors close and tell you how pissed I am about a message from a friend saying, “Be careful. Don’t burn your bridges.” Um. Excuse me? Have I trashed talked my hubby’s company on his Facebook page and mine own? Maybe? But then turning that negative into a positive by trying to get these folks jobs, I would think would outweigh any “donkey ball” talk I may or may not have said under distress. I guess we will see when as my friend put it, “I or my husband may need a job from one of these people one day.” Just gonna say, “Donkey Balls” one more time and not in reference to anyone or anything, but I think you guys totally get who I want to suck on donkey balls right now (times two!) And I know, I know, not very Christian like. I know. But I think God understands, don’t you? Even he has to have an off day every once in a while, right?
I am trying to keep my sense of humor intact and not let this news and my need to get 700 jobs posted for 700 people overtake my life because, well, it’s a very lofty goal and if we don’t get outside help, as in CNN calling me or a spot on the Today show between 7 and 7:20, because after that time slot, the Today show starts to go down hill –fast, I worry that I can’t get all these people new and better jobs than the one being taken from them.
Well, time to put on the “mom hat” and put my kids to bed, putting on a smile and not letting them know anything more than, “Daddy is going to get an EVER BETTER JOB! YAY!” all the while, my heart is with the 700 families in my town that are filled with the same worry that I am feeling right now.
If I were a boss (of the old company or a new) I would understand the stress. I don't think you have 'bashed' the company-at least not what I read. It seems that you simply stated facts. If they are negative facts, then they are what they are. If I were in your shoes, I'm sure that I would be all "poor me, poor Hubby, sob sob" You, however, have turned this into a positive by taking what resources you have and trying to help not only yourselves, but 700 other families. That is huge.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure God understands 'donkey balls' and forgives.
Metalmom- I think God gets it too! He made me, so he totally has some sort of sense of humor! LOL :)