Ok, so Friday I posted about my favorite “Teacher turned ghetto kids into something good” type thingy from the book Freedom Writers Diary that I have to read for school.
Shiny, of course, came to my defense because I have a not so secret crush on him and his family and I really want to be next door neighbors with Shiny and family because I can babysit his cutie pie son and have coffee everyday with his lovely wife and we can have weekly family dinners where we sit around and play board games and drink good wine and talk about politics, religion and all that other stuff you aren’t suppose to talk about unless you are in the company of people whom you love and respect and can still laugh until you cry even if you disagree. Wait. I totally went off track didn’t I? This isn’t a “I love Shiny and his family post” even though I totally do! Only I don’t even know if he knows my email address, -- yet. But never mind all that, I know that Shiny and his family would just love me if they ever met me. I just get that kinda vibe. Oh crap, I’ve gotten off track again.
Ok. Sorry about that.
So, my post on Friday. I declared Stand and Deliver the best movie of it’s kind. I was sure I was right. I’m usually always 100% right- if you ask me.
Well, well, well, the as you know this is the year that the universe is hating on me and I hate 2010 with ever ounce of who I am. And this is just one more thing to add to the shit pile of my life. Cue the “why oh why me” music.
So, Hockeymandad did not agree with me and ::gasp:: had another view other than mine! I didn’t even know that there were people out there like that! Wow. Learn something new everyday.
I brushed off his nonsense of “Dead Poet’s Society” as a good “teacher turned kids around” movie because Hello! His opinion was different than mine and I tend not to let that type of clutter fill up my brilliant and always right mind. I have more important things to think about such as, “How can I move next door to Shiny even with that pesky restraining order that was delivered over the weekend?”
Well, what do I find on my TV on Sunday? In some cosmic, “I never even knew this channel existed on TV and how the hell did I wake up from my nap to find this show on?” way, I came across Reelz TV? I guess that is the name of this channel. Have you ever heard of it? I haven’t until Sunday.
They were having a top 10 show on and I LOVE top 10 shows! Top 10 beaches, Top 10 amusement parks, Top 10 bathrooms across America. I love them all! So, this show was “Top 10 Teacher Movies” I was sure that this was it! my Stand and Deliver would be #1 and the world would once again prove just how right I always am!
Only it didn’t. I know. I know. Brace yourself.
My Stand and Deliver was number 8. EIGHT! Are you kidding me!? This is a joke right? And my hubby’s silly pick of Lean on Me as the best “teacher does good” movie was number 3. THREE! What the H. E. Double Hockey Sticks?
And the number one. The number one was none other than Dead Poet’s Society. Are. You. Kidding. Me!?!?
Hockeymandad has clearly bought this unheard of TV channel and has officially become my arch-nemesis. In the words of Barney, “Challenge Accepted, Hockeymandad. Challenge Accepted!” You may have won this time dear sir, but this is not over! I will see you next time when we discuss the best chick flick of all times! I will totally get that one!
Now that I’m sad over being wr… wron… wro.. oh crap, you know what I’m saying, I will listen to the great Barney Stinson yet again and stop being sad and here is how:
hahahahahahaha! Excellent post :)
ReplyDeleteThe Unverse has been screwing with me lately as well. But just as it applies to Wii Bowling. (I've been sucking big time.)
ReplyDeleteYou were not wro-...wro-...
ReplyDeleteYou were mistaken. (That's how I look at it!)
Becky- Thanks :)
ReplyDeleteDelmer- Ah yes, Wii Bowling... somedays I rock and other days I don't. I think really has nothing to do with me, but with the Wii Gods.
Metalmom- PERFECT!
Hockeymandad- My hubby loved that movie too. He was like, "Oh yeah! That was a great movie!" We aren't speaking now. You have clearly gotten to him, LOL :)