So, I went to the doctor the other day. He requested my presence when I called for a re-fill on my anti-anxiety medicine. I wasn’t sure what I needed to see him for, because my check up/physical isn’t due until November, but I thought this was a good sign to go see him so that I could tell him what happened with my mom and ask, “Can this happen to me? Is it hereditary?” And have him assure me, “No. You will live for ever and ever!” Also, as an added bonus, in my “your almost welcome package for college” had a form in there telling me that I needed to provide the dates when I got my MMR shots. And well, I have no idea when I had those shots and was hoping that my doc could just give them to me again and I would be all set.
Well, a little history about my doc- he is bi-polar. Ok, not really, but seriously, I never know if I’m gonna get “Nice Bedside Manner Doc” or “All Business Doc” when I go see him. This time ‘round, it was “All Business Doc” I asked him why he wanted to see me and ya know, I never really got an answer. I just assumed he wanted to take some blood, check my cholesterol or something like that, but nope. I honestly have no idea why he requested that I make another appointment. But never mind. I had other things to discuss with him.
First order of business, telling him about my mom. He didn’t say he was sorry which bothers me. I know, I know, it’s petty. But still, when someone tells me that a loved one of theirs passed 30 years ago, I still say, “Oh, I’m so sorry.” But like I said, this was “All Business Doc” for today. He read her death certificate and said, “Well, this isn’t hereditary. But did she smoke?” I said, “Yes, yes she did.” He said, “Well, that can cause trouble for… {some medical word that I can’t find on Google}” he basically said that smoking caused her death, or something to that effect (or is affect?). Well, alrighty then. I guess there’s that. I really need to get on that “quit smoking” bandwagon at some point. Or it will kill me, apparently. Why in all of God’s green earth did I ever start smoking? Certainly one of my biggest regrets ever. Even more than marrying my ex husband and that was a HUGE mistake. I want to just wake up and be a non smoker, never craving those cancer sticks again.
Secondly, I told my doc that I needed either proof that I’ve had both doses of the MMR shot OR proof that I’m immune or something like that…. I simply just handed him the form from my school and expected him to take it from there. Well, I jumped the gun on that one. He asked, “Where is your shot record?” Me: “Well, I’m sure my mom had it some place, but I have no idea and well… she isn’t here to tell me where is.” Doc: “You should always, always have your shot record. I just can’t believe how many people don’t keep up with that. You should always have it.” Me: “Well, when we moved here when I was younger, Doctor X was my children’s doctor and he is your group, maybe he has it?” Doc: “I will find out. Again, you should always have your shot record. I will call you in a few days and let you know if you need to come back to get those shots once Doctor X finds it or doesn’t find it.” (and here is my favorite part!) Me: “Well, I had the measles when I was younger. Doc: No you didn’t. Someone just probably told you that you did, but it was probably another type of rash. Me thinking: Um, that “other person” that you are referring to is same Doc X that is in your group, are you calling him a liar? Saying he misdiagnoses his patients? Does he know that you distrust him so much? I bet he wouldn’t appreciate that. Now I want to you to not only find my shot record, but pull my entire medical history so that I can prove you wrong, that I really did have the measles! /end thought.
Why do I continue to go to this doctor you might ask? Well, he saved my life! Some other quack doctor put me on wellbutrin and it nearly killed me and I was sure I was dying- my heart never stopped racing, which for a panic attack suffer, is a very bad thing. I went back to my bi-polar doc and he instantly knew what was wrong with me and took me off that medicine and plus, he knows ever inch of me. When I thought I had a tumor in my belly and was dying, he assured me that it was just scare tissue from my C-section and he was right. He didn’t laugh at me or think I was crazy when I though my heart was doing funny things and I thought I was dying, just made me wear a heart monitor thingy and again, he was right. I was just overreacting because of my history of panic attacks. While, he can be bi-polar, he knows me and my history and I trust him. And while, he may not have the best bed side manner at times, he “gets me” and even though I don’t want to admit it, he is probably right about the measles thing because he has yet to be wrong.
Which brings me to the end, I have had the chick pots and what I -and a doctor- told me was the measles, have you ever had the chick pots and/or measles?
And on a TOTALLY different topic, while this song isn’t my favorite, I absolutely love the words to this song. It seems song writers these days are getting lazy, for example, “We kick ‘em to the curb unless they look like Mick Jagger.” Really? Who is wanting to hook up with Mick Jagger let alone a nobody that just happens to look like him. Or is it just me?
Taylor introduced me to The Scripts awhile ago. I really like them.
ReplyDeleteI've had the chicken pox vaccine and I also got the chicken pox about 2 years ago. It wasn't fun. I'm one of the lucky few that is unable to be immune to the disease. That means I can get it again. Yippee freaking skippy.
Oh, I have my shot records and both of me kids shot records in our fireproof safe thingy. I never know when I might need it :)