Friday the 2nd, we went and saw Eclipse. My hubby liked it better than the first two. He fell asleep watching New Moon. That is $15 bucks for the price of the movie ticket and popcorn that we will never get back. But he stayed awaked for all of Eclipse, so if that is any indication, it was a good movie. Well, Emily did fall asleep half way through. Again, about $15 bucks we will never get back. This Twilight thing has cost me about $30 bucks so far… I don’t think I will invite Paul and Emily for the two parter that will be Breaking Dawn. The only movie I fell asleep while at the movies was The Burbs. Have you ever fallen asleep at the movies?
Saturday, the 3rd, was spent looking at some houses… I felt kinda “ugh” about all the ones we saw. I don’t think we will be moving anytime soon and I’m good with that. I’m starting to settle down after “the event” and kinda just want to be still for the time being. The hubby is already trying to plan our next vacation and I’m all like, “I just can’t right now.” But, the worst part, telling the realtor that I just don’t think this is the right time for us to buy a house. I have a problem letting people down. I feel hugely guilty. Do you ever feel guilty for backing out of something?
Also on the 3rd, there was a kid’s birthday party at Chucky Cheese. I opted out and Paul had to endure the hell that is that rat’s home that doubles as a pizza joint.
And lastly on the 3rd, we went to my cousin’s husband’s cousin’s house. Got all that? I was a square peg in a otherwise circle of circles. My cousin spent about 10 minutes talking to me and my hubby and me. My hubby and I not knowing a single other soul there, and NOBODY talked to us, I felt like we had coodies! Here I was wearing my normal attire: Capri jeans, a black t-shirt and ball cap and all the other women were wearing cute skirts with big bulky necklaces and cute gold flip flops- I’m not sure when I’ve felt so out of place somewhere. I have seen enough of the Real Housewives of Orange County to know that there are some women that judge others in 10 seconds flat … not that they were judging me, but they sure didn’t go out of their way to talk to me or my hubby. Like I said, I felt like a square peg in a circle world. It was a bad evening for me. One of the worst in a long, long time. I was more hurt that my cousin didn’t make more of an effort to talk and socialize with me. Instead she opted to hang out with the other cute skirt and gold flip flops people. I faked a tummy ache and left early. My cousin volunteered to bring my girls home later so that they could stay and watch the fireworks. I appreciated that, but she was clueless as to how out of place I was and that she was of no help. However, I got the added bonus of looking like the bitch that I am for leaving early. Hey, it gives her fodder to talk about me and that is what I live for. I constantly let her down that I’m a cute skirt gold flip flop person. I have to learn to own that about myself instead of letting it eat me up inside.
The 4th proved to be much better! We went to our local army base for their yearly fair/fireworks events. We had a great time, well me and my hubby did. My girls informed me that “this wasn’t the greatest time.” *sigh* I feel at times nothing I do will ever be good enough for them. I guess that’s the life of a mom. Some of the time anyway. I am sure next 4th they will look back at this one with fond memories, well they better! Or I’m locking them up in the closet and me and the hubby will go out since we know how to have a good time and if we don’t, I can always pull the tummy ache card again.
And that was my weekend. How was yours?
Your cousin is a beyotch...she always has been and she always will be. She won't change. Its too bad that you had a crappy time at the party, I'm sorry to hear that. But I'm proud of you for going to it. I know that was hard for you.
ReplyDeleteI feel asleep at some Patrick Swayze movie. I think it was called "Fatherhood". I don't remember. It was THAT bad.
Hang in there babe. Sending you a big hug!!
Becky- you are right. Plain and simple. I wish you were my cousin instead. You wouldn't have just left me hanging :)