So, I'm starting a this new blog. Why? In short, I want to be able to complain more! (and I went back to blogger becasue I wanted a pretty blog that I could change up without having to pay for it because I'm nothing if not cheap! Though I will miss some of the features of Wordpress)
For example, at my job, the IT department has blocked nearly ever site known to man. We just went through a big upgrade and blah, blah, blah, and still they say all these sites are a drain on the bandwidth (and some, like Flickr, are just against the IT policy). What. Ev. Er. I think they have a new toy and are having fun playing with it.
I picture them in some sort of dungeon and dragon garb with swards made out of tin foil saying, "Let's block this site! And this one! And this one too!" Sooo, I want to be able to complain about that and the fact that when my printer stopped working the other day and they overtook my computer from their remote location (somewhere near where the Lord of Rings was filmed, I'm sure) they saw that I was listening to streaming media, my favorite radio station- had they given me a heads up and not just taken over WHILE I WAS WORKING I would have closed all open sites. What do they do? They not only block it ASAP- I mean, the site was blocked in the blink of an eye! They called my supervisor! So. Not. Cool. They could have called me first and said, "Yo. You can't listen streaming media anymore." I would have rolled my eyes and sighed and still complained, but no harm - no foul. To call my supervisor before talking to me was crossing the line. I officially hate all of them now. And if you do any IT work, we probably can't be friends because of this.
How does all this cumulate into a new blog?
Well, my supervisor wasn't always my supervisor. Because of a change in the Org. Chart, she is now my supervisor. And before I got smart and read on how to block people from certain things on Facebook, she could see when I posted a new post via twitter updating as soon as I hit submit and twitter updating my Facebook status just as quick.
And truth be told, since I've gotten this job, I didn't like that my blog was so public. Now, I doubt my supervisor reads my blog late at night looking for ammo to get me fired, but I'd rather not take that chance, ya know. I don't know what she saved in her My Favorites up there in her toolbar.
So, are any sites at your work blocked? Do you work for your company's IT dept, if you do, can you explain why they are such jerks? And have this holier than thou attiutude? And why would they go to my supervisor instead of me first! And how will I ever be able to trust another human again?
I work in IT, goof. But I'm unemployed so we can be friends until I find another job.
ReplyDeleteThanks for letting me know about your new home here. I like it and hope you feel comfortable to say what you want without fear of people using that info. against you.
ReplyDeleteI always try to get in good with the IT dept. because they have access to more information than the boss and can use their power for evil instead of good. Honestly, I think they are only doing what their told to do but if you're in good with them they will give you the head's up and let you know and not tattle to the boss.
Poppy- I could never, ever, NEVER put you in the same box as our IT people. You have a soul AND a personality! Both of which are lacking with our IT people. PS- thanks for coming over to this new site :)
ReplyDeleteMB- I have one friend over there, well, maybe two if you count the newbie who seems pretty nice... I know the main person behind all this blocking stuff and he is dead inside and dead to me! I don't think it's possible to get in good with him. I don't think anyone could. I'm pretty sure he is Rosemary's baby all grown up, LOL :)
I don't think any sites are blocked at my work. I should clarify and say the sites that I go to aren't blocked. I have no idea why they would go to your supervisor first, unless that's part of their job....which is just lame.
ReplyDeleteI like the background to this site :)
Thanks for sharing your new blogging home! I HATE it when IT blocks sites I love. Just this week blogspot was blocked where I work. It was there last Friday and then on Monday, I go to do my daily blog surfing early in the morning before all the little children wake up and their parents decide they need a visit to the ER, only to find a big O-O-P-S spashed across the screen indicating it had been blocked! It seems some idiot had posted something they shouldn't have about someone they shouldn't have and ruined the fun for the other 5000 employees. Anyway, I've been going through blogging withdrawals. Of course all social networking pages are blocked because it would decrease productivity, and they're probably right on that one. The only thing that doesn't make sense is...the hospital has a facebook and twitter page, but we can't access it at work...what's the point of having these pages??? If only I could make the rules, the world would be much more simple!
ReplyDeleteBecky- I need to come work where you work!
ReplyDeleteNicole- Luckily blogging sites are blocked YET at my work, but I'm sure it's comming :(
No sites are blocked where I work, either, but we are bootlegging off of the company we share a building with and they aren't likely to block anything. If they do, I'll just bootleg off of somebody else. I have about 6 wireless connections to choose from. LOL! In all seriousness, we are pretty laid back. I mean, people bring their dogs to work. There used to be a former employee who still had a key and would come in at night and surf porn while his out of town girlfriend called in on the 1-800 number. So, apparently NOTHING is blocked. (I did change the locks after finding out about that, though).
ReplyDeleteComplain away! I'm here to listen. ;-)
ReplyDeleteAnd by the way: That D&D mockery thing you did? So uncool. :-)
ReplyDeleteLeSombre- Thank you for letting me complain, its one of the things I do best! And the D&D didn't make you laugh just a little??
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to say hi and that I am finally here, reading every day even if I don't have time to comment!