
Sunday, August 1, 2010

My town brought the funny this week!! And I am pretty sure that I am famous now

As I have said before, to know me is to know a lot… two more things about me, I get most of my news from: E! News, Chelsea Lately, Nightline, Dateline & 20/20- aside from reading my weekly Life & Style and my local paper online - at least the front page to see there is anything good worth reading.  And I sometimes catch the local news, but not often.  So, it goes to say that I know much more about the “outside world” (i.e. what is happening in the Gulf with the oil spill) and what Khloe and Kourtney Kardashian wore last night than I know what is going on in my own town.  Sad but true. 

Apparently last week, some football person famous in the 80’s died and he was from our town.  I had no clue but all my local peeps on Facebook were upset. 

Harry But this isn’t what I want to share with you today. Oh no!  It gets better and way more funnier!  My town, well, not really MY town, but Nashville (outside of my town) made… wait for it…..




Made it on The Soup!  We have a remarkable idiot running for for governor and it was not lost on the almighty Mr. Joel McHale. 

4852432370_8da9c667f6_m Here is the link to the clip from our local NBC news affiliate and if you can understand half of what he is saying, you are doing better than me! He does start out changing his last name to  Really he does! And does he want to murder everyone?    

And lastly, but not as funny or as great as being on The Soup, my town, not Nashville, made Nightline on Friday night (the same night The Soup premiers!)  It was almost to stand for one day. 

We made it on Nightline for some extreme FIGHTING church, yes a fighting church! that we  have in our town. The funny part is that this church was a non-profit sponsor for one of our events at the place I used to work and at that time *I* was in charge of the non-profits, but I figured since it was a church, it was just a church trying to be cool by using the X instead of the E for extreme. It wasn’t! Nope. It is a FIGHTING church.  In my town.  *le sigh* I’m so proud. But I guess if it brings people to God, I can’t wholeheartedly complain, right? 4852452590_49ffaba2a5_m

 Here is the link of the clip that was on Nightline Friday night and all I can think of when he says, “Jesus would think this is cool if he walked into a bar” is the scene from Sweet Home Alabama “You have a baby. In a bar!” I would be all like, “You have Jesus. In a bar!” 

Oh. Em. Gee!  So in some indirect soap opera way, *I* made it on Nightline!  And apparently I need to read more than just the fron it page/headlines in my local paper. 

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